Work agencies in Rotterdam
Here are some work agencies in Rotterdam and across the country that can help you find employment. Contact them, send them your resume, and stay in touch with local agencies. If you don’t follow up, they may assume you’re not very interested in working. Also, read our section on finding jobs in Rotterdam.
Job agencies and websites in the Netherlands
Linkedin. Widely used in the Netherlands for skilled jobs. Create your profile and connect with people who regularly post job openings, or directly reach out to Human Resources departments of large companies. Visit their page here.
Monsterboard. A website where you can view all job offers in the Netherlands. Visit their page here.
Indeed. Another website for job searching in the Netherlands. Their mobile app allows you to receive regular alerts for new job opportunities related to your search. Visit their page here.
Englishlanguagejobs. A specialized website for non-Dutch speakers looking for positions. Visit their page here.
Nationale Vacature Bank. Similar to Monsterboard, new job openings are posted every week. Visit their page here.
Undutchables. An agency with offices in various cities, offering jobs for candidates who speak languages other than Dutch (proficiency in English is required). Visit their page here.

Other work agencies in Rotterdam
Walters People. An agency with offices in several cities across the country. They have extensive connections with companies, and if your profile matches an available position, they will present you as a candidate. Visit their page here.
Jobbird. Another job search platform. Enter “Spanish” or “English” in the “Job Type” field and provide your postal code. Visit their page here.
Stepstone. A global job search engine. Visit their page here.
Toplanguagejobs. Job opportunities in various languages throughout Europe. Visit their page here.
Careerbuilder. A major job portal with listings in several countries. Visit their page here.
Blue Lynx. Positions available in multiple languages in the Netherlands. Visit their page here.
Unique. Positions for individuals with multilingual skills in major cities in the Netherlands. Visit their page here.
Robert Half. A global platform specializing in jobs in the financial sector and administrative roles in IT. Visit their page here.
WERK. The website of the UWV office. UWV provides subsidies for individuals who have lost their jobs, offers courses, and organizes meetings. However, don’t expect them to be overly helpful in finding a job. Visit their page here.
Madison Parker. Recruits individuals for both permanent and temporary positions in the business and technology sectors. Visit their page here.

Adams Multilingual. Assists individuals with good English skills in finding jobs in different administrative positions. Visit their page here.
Tempo. A Dutch agency that seeks workers from all educational backgrounds. Visit their page here.
Intermediair. Also offers numerous job vacancies, although it’s in Dutch. Visit their page here.
Page Personnel. Another agency advertising administrative roles in large companies. Visit their page here.
Randstad. Another agency specializing in temporary jobs across various sectors. Visit their page here.
Other websites and agencies for finding jobs
EURES. The website of European Employment Services. Visit their page here.
Covebo. An agency for temporary jobs in the Netherlands, some of which include accommodation, in factories and logistics. Visit their page here.
Register with all the employment agencies in Rotterdam and send them your CV.
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | BSN number | DigiD | Doctor | Finding a job | Job interview | Labour contract | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Volunteering |