Volunteering in Rotterdam can be another way to practice and improve your Dutch language skills. You’ll interact with local people and quickly enhance your language abilities.
Volunteer work is unpaid and not mandatory. It usually involves helping others or the city through an organization.
Working as a volunteer is very popular in the Netherlands, and most people have done it at least once. For example, during the Eurovision festival in Rotterdam a few years ago, they only used volunteers.
In addition to improving your language skills, volunteering is beneficial for your resume. It shows that you’re not motivated solely by money and that you value other aspects in a position. It demonstrates your willingness to collaborate and helps fill in the gaps in your resume, which are often difficult to explain during interviews.
Another great reason to volunteer is the social aspect. It helps combat loneliness and the stress of unemployment when your friends are working. It also provides structure to your week instead of spending all day doing nothing.
Your fellow volunteers can even help you find housing, guide you to job opportunities, and provide assistance with benefits and more.
Typically, volunteers work one or two days a week for a few hours.

Earning money as a volunteer
If you can bring in extra money for the organization, you can discuss receiving a percentage of it.
For example, if you work in a sports club’s canteen, helping in the kitchen once a week as a volunteer, you could organize a Spanish-themed party on a weekend. Prepare a traditional dish like paella, which people love, and sell it for a certain price. You can suggest to the club that you receive a small share of the profit. This benefits both the club and you financially.
The locals in the neighborhood will know where to find a Spanish cook for their next birthday party. Look for ideas that benefit both you and the organization.
Keep in mind that if you’re receiving government subsidies like unemployment benefits, you can’t register as a volunteer because the government wants you to focus all your energy on finding a job.
If you’ve been volunteering for a long time before becoming unemployed, you can continue without notifying the employment office. There’s a yearly limit to the income you can generate as a volunteer without having to report it in your tax declaration. I think it’s around 1,400 euros per year, but I’m not certain.
Personally, I volunteered for six years at a hockey club, working as a photographer, helping in the bar, cleaning the field, cooking for children, and doing various tasks.
I took photos that the club needed for their website, monthly magazines, and advertising. I even sold pictures of the children to their parents and earned some extra money.
This experience helped me expand my network and get hired for paid services both within and outside the organization. I received free meals, drinks, event tickets, discounts on sports clothing for my family, and more. It’s not all about money.
If you’re skilled in your hobby, someone will notice and may offer you a job opportunity outside the organization.

Working as a volunteer in Rotterdam
There are many organizations in Rotterdam that are always looking for volunteers, such as sports clubs, churches, hospitals, the city council, events, festivals, international sports competitions, beaches, schools, language exchange programs, refugee support organizations, and more.
Here are some links where you can sign up. The websites are in Dutch, but with a translator, you can understand what they are looking for.
Zorgaam010. People in your neighborhood need help with various tasks like shopping, taking walks, teaching them how to use computers, and assisting in their gardens. Visit their website using this link.
Indeed. This job search platform also has a section for volunteers. You can start by helping with basic tasks at a company, and if they are happy with your work, they might offer you a job in the future. Enter “voluntary” (Vrijwilliger) in the box that says “WAT” on the main page, and enter the city where you live in the “WAAR” field. Visit their website using this link.
Ikwilvrijwilligerswerkdoen. This website has a search feature to find volunteering opportunities, such as helping elderly people, those who are alone, working with animals, or in nature. Visit their website using this link.
Pauluskerk. It’s a church in the city center that helps homeless people and those struggling with drug addiction. They also regularly need volunteers. Visit their website using this link.
Walking and Talking. An organization that helps foreigners improving their Dutch conversation skills by walking in a group. They also regularly look for volunteers. Visit their website using this link.

Sports Clubs. There are likely sports clubs for popular sports like football, basketball, hockey, or others in your area. These clubs are always happy to have an extra hand as a coach, helping with cleaning, or organizing events, etc.
Playgrounds. Every neighborhood has a playground that requires maintenance, cleaning, and organizing events for kids. Ask the people in charge.
Festivals. Check out the websites of important festivals in Rotterdam, such as the International Film Festival in January, the ABN AMRO international tennis tournament in February, Metropolis in July, the Port Days in September, Carnival in August, or popular weekend events. They always need volunteers.
Blijdorp Zoo. The big zoo in Rotterdam regularly looks for volunteers to help with cleaning, gardening, assisting visitors, and feeding the animals. Visit their website using this link.
Libraries. Libraries always have brochures with various activities like language classes, yoga, salsa lessons, mini festivals, and more. Many of these organizations also need volunteers.
There are many opportunities available. Just search “Vrijwilliger Rotterdam” on Google, and you will find other options.
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | BSN number | DigiD | Doctor | Finding a job | Job interview | Labour contract | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Work Agencies