In this section you can see some options to travel by train to Rotterdam.
All high-speed trains operated by Thalys that travel from Paris to Amsterdam make a stop in Rotterdam. The journey takes two hours and forty minutes. This train also stops in the Belgian cities of Antwerp and Brussels.
The ICE International or Intercity Express is a family of high-speed trains operated by the German company Deutsche Bahn. It offers daily connections between the major cities of Germany and Switzerland to the Netherlands.

Eurostar operates direct trains to Rotterdam from St Pancras International in London, in a trip which takes 3 hours and 13 minutes.
There are also other trains operated by Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), which are slower and more affordable, connecting Rotterdam with the Belgian cities of Antwerp, Mechelen, and Brussels. The same company provides direct connections from Rotterdam to the Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, The Hague, Gouda, Utrecht, Leiden, and Vlissingen.
Other options to get to Rotterdam
Eindhoven Airport | Rotterdam Airport | Schiphol Airport |By ferry | By road