Schoonoord is a small and peaceful park located in one corner of Het Park.
Established in 1706, Schoonoord was one of the many estates along the Muizen dike that bordered the Maas River.
This historic garden is a special part of Rotterdam’s green heritage. It has a beautiful collection of plants and animals, covering an area of 1.2 hectares.

Because of its historical features, unique location, and diverse plant life, this park has been designated as a protected national monument.
You can enter the park through an old iron gate from the 18th century on Kievitslaan street.
Schoonoord, serving as a public park, is a rare peaceful retreat amid the bustling city.
The park is famous for its majestic Lebanese cedar trees, an impressive European beech tree from 1860, swamp cypresses, and the stunning Gunnera plant.
The park is open every day from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. However, during major festivals in Het Park, the garden remains closed. Entrance is free.
Schoonoord. Kievitslaan 8. Tram number 8.
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