In this section, you can find the best museums in Rotterdam. Click on the images for more information.
Rotterdam is a city with a rich history and vibrant culture. Discover the city’s past, present, and future through various exhibitions and its diverse range of museums.
There are numerous options for art enthusiasts. Rotterdam offers a wide selection of museums that are worth exploring. We cannot recommend a specific must-visit museum as it depends on individual preferences and interests.

Please note that all museums in Rotterdam are closed on Mondays and holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s Day, and King’s Day (April 27th). Visitors can benefit from significant discounts with the Rotterdampas, Rotterdam Welcome card, and Museum Pass.
The most popular museums include Boijmans-van Beuningen, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Kunsthal, and the Maritime Museum.
However, there are other lesser-known places that are worth a visit, such as the Douane Museum, the Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, the Chabot Museum, the Nederlands Fotomuseum, and the Kunstinstitute Melly.

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is the main art museum in Rotterdam.
Het Nieuwe Instituut is a museum focused on architecture, design, and digital culture.
The Kunsthal offers a wide range of temporary exhibitions. Its spacious venue allows for multiple displays at the same time.
The Maritime Museum of Rotterdam showcases the city’s naval history and its port.

Chabot Museum is a 1930s villa adorned with paintings and sculptures by Dutch expressionist artist Henk Chabot.
The Nederlands Fotomuseum features historical photography from the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Douane Museum showcases the customs and taxation history of the Netherlands.
The Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam focuses on natural history and the environment.

The Kunstinstituut Melly is a public institution that promotes contemporary art.
There are many other museums and art galleries spread throughout the city, waiting to be discovered.
40-45 NOW | Chabot Museum | Douane Museum | Het Nieuwe Instituut | Kunsthal | Kunstinstituut Melly | Mariniers Museum | Maritiem Museum | Museum Boijmans | Natuurhistorisch Museum | Nederlands Fotomuseum| Wereldmuseum