Employment contract
The employment contract is a formal agreement signed between two or more parties, outlining their rights and responsibilities while engaging in paid work.
There are different types of employment contracts depending on the company and the specific job requirements.
When creating an employment contract in the Netherlands, the employer must include certain information. At a minimum, the contract should cover:
Full name and address of the worker and the company.
Location(s) where the employee will be working.
Detailed description of the job duties.
Job title or position held by the employee.
Start date of the contract and, if applicable, the end date for temporary contracts.
Number of hours the employee is expected to work per week or month.
Gross salary that the worker will receive.
Probationary period, which typically cannot exceed two months.
Notice period required for termination by either party.
Duration of annual leave and the corresponding entitlement.
Additional benefits such as a company laptop, car, transportation expenses, meal vouchers, pension, and other perks.

Other points that may appear in an employment contract
Some other points that may be included in an employment contract are:
Reference to any collective agreement that applies.
Mention of annual bonuses or incentives and the conditions for eligibility.
Opportunities for further training and professional development.
Confidentiality obligations, which may require signing a clause to protect sensitive information.
Details regarding company-provided accommodation, including associated costs.
Please note that the information provided here is for general guidance only and not intended as legal advice. If you have any doubts or concerns, it’s recommended to seek assistance from a lawyer or consult with Juridish Loket, a free legal advisory service in the Netherlands.
For more information, you can visit their website using this link.
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | BSN number | DigiD | Doctor | Finding a job | Job interview | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Volunteering | Work Agencies