Eiland van Brienenoord
The green area of Eiland van Brienenoord (Brienenoord Island) was formed in the 19th century when sand settled in the Nieuwe Maas river. It’s located near Feyenoord football club stadium in Rotterdam.
Baron de Brienen bought the island in 1847 and started a salmon fishery with his son. In 1904, the island became part of Rotterdam municipality.
In 2020 and 2021, the island underwent major renovations. A new bridge was built, and land was cleared along the shores to create riverbanks. Lookout points were also installed.

There are two bridges to access the island: Ben Schopbrug and Arend. Arend is only for pedestrians and cyclists, while Ben Schopbrug is for local traffic. Cars are not allowed on the island, except for orchard owners.
The island offers a peaceful environment for walking and escaping the city noise. Rollerblading and cycling are allowed in designated areas, and picnics are also popular.
There are many wild fruit trees on the island, and to various birds like hawks, falcons, woodpeckers, nightingales, owls, and redstarts make this area their home.
During spring, summer, and autumn, a small group of hairy Scottish cows helps maintain the vegetation.
Additionally, there’s a gardening club on the island.
Eiland van Brienenoord. Tram 23 or water taxi to the 010 Stadion Feyenoord stop.
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