Signing up with a Family Doctor
It’s not mandatory to sign up with a family doctor (general practitioner or GP), but it’s a good idea to do so.
Signing up is free, and you can choose the primary care doctor you prefer, as long as they are still accepting new patients. Some allow online registration.
Usually, they’ll ask for your passport, BSN number, and health insurance information. They’ll inquire about your medical history and the medications you regularly take.
You can find your new family doctor by using this link and entering your postal code.

Appointments with Your Family Doctor in the Netherlands
When you want to see the general practitioner, you’ll need to schedule an appointment (online or by phone). Some practices have walk-in hours in the morning where you don’t need an appointment. You can also have a phone call for simple questions or prescription renewals.
Appointments are usually short, around 15 minutes, and you may have to wait beyond your scheduled time. Be honest with the doctor, and here’s a tip: it’s helpful to slightly exaggerate your symptoms and their duration. They tend to prescribe paracetamol and are cautious about using antibiotics. If you think you need to see a specialist, it may be challenging to get a referral. Don’t hesitate to insist!
Keep in mind that unless it’s an emergency, you can’t go directly to the hospital. To see a specialist, you’ll need a referral from your family doctor. Without a referral, you’ll likely have to pay the full bill.
The costs for doctors and specialists in the Netherlands can be covered in three ways:
The general practitioner will bill your health insurance company directly.
The doctor will send the bill to you, and you’ll need to pay it. Then, you can submit the bill to your health insurance company for reimbursement based on your contract.
GP’s fees in the Netherlands usually range from 30 to 50 euros per visit. To see a specialist, you’ll need a referral from your family doctor to claim the fees from your insurance company.
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | BSN number | DigiD | Finding a job | Job interview | Labour contract | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Volunteering | Work Agencies