What is DigiD?
DigiD (short for Digital Identification) is a form of digital identification that allows access to various government services in the Netherlands.
DigiD consists of a username and password that are linked to your BSN number.
While it is not mandatory, it is recommended that residents of the country apply for a DigiD.
Why do you need a DigiD?
You will need your DigiD to carry out online transactions in the Netherlands. Among other things, it is required for filing tax returns, applying for assistance, managing your pension, submitting declarations to insurance companies, renewing your driver’s license, collecting medications, and much more.

How to request your DigiD?
You will need your DigiD to carry out online transactions in the Netherlands. Among other things, it is required for filing tax returns, applying for assistance, managing your pension, submitting declarations to insurance companies, renewing your driver’s license, collecting medications, and much more.
How to request it?
You can request a DigiD for free on the DigiD website by clicking on the “aanvragen” (request) button. The application form is only available in Dutch. Here is a step-by-step guide with all the necessary translations and explanations. At the end of this page, you can watch an English video that explains the entire process.
1: Personal Information
On the first page, fill in your personal details:
Burgerservicenummer (your BSN number).
Geboortendatum (your date of birth).
Postcode (your postal code in the Netherlands).
Huisnummer (your house number).
Toevoeging (your additional house number, some portals have a letter in addition to the number).
Click on the “volgende” (next) button.
2: SMS Verification
You can make your DigiD more secure by receiving an authentication text message (SMS controle) every time you use it.
This function is optional, but some government services require SMS verification as an additional security measure. It also facilitates password recovery if you forget it.
Select “Ja” if you want SMS verification, or “Nee” if you don’t. We recommend choosing “JA.”
Click on the “Volgende” (next) button.

3: Username and Password
On the third page, choose your username and password:
Gebruikersnaam (Username): The username is case-sensitive and should not include spaces.
Watchwoord (Password): The password is case-sensitive, must be between 8 and 32 characters long, and include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character.
Herhaal watchwoord (Repeat your password).
Check the password recovery box (wachtwoordherstel) if you want to recover your password via email or SMS.
Mobiel nummer (Enter your mobile number).
e-mailadres (Enter your email address).
Gebruiksvoorwaarden (Accept the terms and conditions by checking the box).
Click on the “volgende” (next) button.
Remember your username and password! If you forget them before activating your DigiD, you will have to reapply.
4: SMS Validation
In a few minutes, you will receive an SMS code on your mobile phone.
Enter the code in the SMS code field.
Click on the “volgende” (next) button.
5: Email Verification
Now you will receive another code by email. Don’t close the DigiD window while checking your email.
Enter the code you received in your email into the email code field.
Click the “next” button.
Once you’ve completed the previous steps, your request is complete. You will receive the activation code at your home within five business days. Remember to activate your DigiD account within 20 days.
6: Activate your DigiD
To activate your DigiD using the code you received at your home, go to the DigiD activation webpage:
Click on “activate.”
Username (Enter your username).
Password (Enter your password).
Activation code (Enter the code you received at your home).
Transaction code (Enter the code you received via SMS, only if you requested text message verification).
Activate (Click on activate).
Keep your DigiD in a secure place, as it grants access to your medical, financial, and other private information.
More information about DigiD
If you have any issues, you can contact DigiD’s customer service:
By phone at 088 123 65 55 (from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday to Friday).
By email through this link (provide your phone number, but never your username or password).
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | BSN number | Doctor | Finding a job | Job interview | Labour contract | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Volunteering | Work Agencies