BSN number
BSN number / Sofi
The BSN number (burgerservicenummer) for social services (previously known as Sofi number or Social-Fiscal number) is the first bureaucratic issue you need to resolve when you arrive in the Netherlands.
It is a unique registration number for all residents of the Netherlands.
You will be asked for the BSN number in many bureaucratic matters, such as when looking for a job, opening a bank account, filing taxes, becoming a patient of a doctor and dentist, applying for government assistance, etc.
Depending on your country of origin, the Burgerservicenummer may not be sufficient to work in the country, and you may need a work permit.

How to get the BSN number?
If you plan to stay in the country for more than four months, you must register with the municipality where you live within five days of your arrival.
If you have a European passport, you only need your passport and the address where you live in the Netherlands, and they will give you the BSN number. When you rent a house or room, make sure you can register with the municipality using that address.
If your passport is from a non-European Union country, they will also ask for other documents, such as an employment contract and a residence permit. They will give you a temporary number.
You can request the number at the city hall of the city where you will live when you register as a resident. In Rotterdam, the city hall offices are at Coolsingel 40. The entrance is on one of the sides, on Doelwater Street.
You can read more about the BSN number at this link.
Things to check when arriving in The Netherlands
Basic Dutch | DigiD | Doctor | Finding a job | Job interview | Labour contract | Learning Dutch | Medical insurance | Volunteering | Work Agencies